Employers Mutual is a recognized industry leader in workers compensation case management services and we employ more than 400 people servicing Adelaide and South Australian regional areas.
We are dedicated to working with employers and injured workers in South Australia to improve return to work outcomes and help reduce the cost of workers compensation. Our key services include claims and injury management, injury prevention services under our Member Benefits Program, employer education and training programs, employer on site visitation programs and reporting tools to assist in trend analysis and claims management.
Employers Mutual SA
Address: Level 15 26 Flinders Street Adelaide SA 5000 Postal address: GPO Box 2575 Adelaide SA 5001 Telephone: 08 8127 1100 Fax: 08 8127 1200 Toll Free: 1300 365 105 www.employersmutual.com.au Email: info@employersmutual.com.au